Search Student

A function made to search a student from database by his name

About: The searchStudent()function utilizes the search_database()function to perform the actual searching of student information in the database. It acts as a higher-level function that handles user interaction and delegates the search operation to the helper function.

1. search_database() function:

1.1: Description:

This function searches the database for files containing a given name or lastname and prints their contents.

1.2: Syntax:

Short Form:

void search_database(char* name_or_lastname);
//Function call

Full Form:

void search_database(char* name_or_lastname) {
    DIR *dir;
    struct dirent *ent;
    char filename[100];
    FILE *file;

    if ((dir = opendir("database")) != NULL) {
        while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
            if (strstr(ent->d_name, name_or_lastname) != NULL) {
                strcpy(filename, DATABASE_PATH);
                strcat(filename, ent->d_name);
                file = fopen(filename, "r");
                if (file) {
                    printw("File %s:\n", filename);
                    char line[256];
                    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {
                        printw("%s", line);
                } else {
                    printw("Error opening file %s\n", filename);
    } else {
        printw("Error opening database directory\n");

1.3: Parameters:

1.4: Input:

The search term (name or lastname) to look for in the database.

1.5: Output:

The function prints the contents of the files that match the search term.

1.6: Usage:

This function is typically used when you want to search and retrieve information from the database based on a given name or lastname.

2. searchStudent() function:

2.1: Description:

This function serves as the main entry point for searching student information in the database. It provides a user-friendly interface and calls the search_database() function to perform the search operation.

2.2: Syntax:

Short Form:

void searchStudent();
//Function call

Full Form:

void searchStudent() {
    char target[200];
    printw("Enter Student's name or lastname: ");
    scanw("%s", target);

2.4: Function Tasks:

  1. Prompt the user to enter a student's name or lastname.

  2. Call the search_database() function with the provided search term.

  3. Display the information of the matching student(s) from the database.

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