Structures (structs)

here we find the used structures in project

Used Macros

This macros are made to define used arrays sizes

#define MAX_STUDENTS 100
#define MAX_NAME_LEN 50
#define MAX_ADDRESS_LEN 100
#define MAX_EMAIL_LEN 50
#define MAX_MODULES 10

1. Struct Definitition module :

The module structure represents a module of a student's academic record. It contains information such as the module name, coefficient, and the student's grade (note) in that module.


typedef struct {
    char nom_module[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    int coefficient;
    float note;
} module;


  • nom_module: An array of characters representing the name of the module. The maximum length is defined by MAX_NAME_LEN see in (#used macros)

  • coefficient: An integer representing the coefficient of the module.

  • note: A floating-point value representing the student's grade in the module.

2. Struct Definitition student :


typedef struct {
    long long int id;
    char nom[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char prenom[MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char adresse[MAX_ADDRESS_LEN];
    char email[MAX_EMAIL_LEN];
    int age;
    float moyenne;
    module modules[MAX_MODULES];
    int nb_modules;
} student;


  • id: A long long integer representing the unique ID of the student.

  • nom: An array of characters representing the last name of the student. The maximum length is defined by MAX_NAME_LEN. see in (#used macros)

  • prenom: An array of characters representing the first name of the student. The maximum length is defined by MAX_NAME_LEN. see in (#used macros)

  • adresse: An array of characters representing the home address of the student. The maximum length is defined by MAX_ADDRESS_LEN. see in (#used macros)

  • email: An array of characters representing the email address of the student. The maximum length is defined by MAX_EMAIL_LEN. see in (#used macros)

  • age: An integer representing the age of the student.

  • moyenne: A floating-point value representing the average grade of the student.

  • modules: An array of module structures representing the list of modules for the student. The maximum number of modules is defined by MAX_MODULES. see in (#used macros)

  • nb_modules: An integer representing the number of modules for the student.

The module structure within the student structure allows storing multiple modules with their respective information for each student.

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